My New Years Resolution

Saba Khan
3 min readJan 10, 2021

2021. The start of a new year and what do most people do at the beginning of every year? They make a list of new years resolutions.

A lot of people set new years resolutions but they never come to fruition and after some self-reflection, I have come to a few reasons that apply to me:

  1. Laziness: This is the number one factor because watching the latest K-drama or rewatching Friends seems a lot more entertaining then maybe sitting and applying for jobs or stepping out of the house for a quick run. I found myself, this past year getting my school work done and then laying in bed until 3 a.m. watching dramas under the covers and then waking up at noon. Yes, my day started at 12 p.m. if I was lucky. When I did have synchronous classes I would just log in for attendance and then snooze back under the covers. Knowing that the lectures were recorded gave me that sense of security that it was okay to sleep. But I would not watch the lecture that same day, I would watch all of the videos I missed 2 days before an exam at 2x speed. That is my laziness at its peak.
  2. Lack of Motivation: This one is a huge problem because of laziness. I am lazy because I am unmotivated. Need I say more?
  3. Life gets in the way: This happens more often than you would think. Things unexpectedly happen like God forbid, a loss of a loved one or you lose your job. The pandemic is a HUGE one from 2020. No one saw it coming and so many people lost loved ones, their jobs; basically 2020 was just a mess for everyone.

My new years resolution is to prepare for number 3 and eradicate or at least decrease the impact 1 and 2 have on my life. The way I will prepare for number 3 is to always have backup plans for any decision that I make. My father is big on having a Plan B. Ever since I entered university, he has told me to always prepare for the next 5 years. It’s pretty morbid but he says, “If I die tomorrow, what will you do?” You have to plan for that because life doesn’t stop just because your world is crumbling to pieces. It’s sad but it is the truth. When something huge happens such as the pandemic, you can’t put your life on pause, you have to continue and find ways to keep going. For example, when the US was quarantined, online schooling and online work was established: the world keeps moving and so you have to move along with it. So part of my resolution is to start working on or at least thinking about Plan B or just planning for the worst.

Decreasing the impact 1 and 2 have on my life is going to be difficult but I am determined to get it done because I have come to the realization that in the eyes of everyone I am an adult and I am held accountable for every decision that I make. Being lazy is a choice and I made that decision for 90% of 2020 and honestly it shows: on my body, in my wardrobe, my search history, grades, EVERYTHING. Now that I have self-reflected, and I am continuing to do so, number 2 has less of an impact because I am now motivated to not be lazy. I need my entire life to undergo a glow up this year and I am determined to do so.

I believe this year, my new years resolutions will come to fruition because of how eye-opening last year was for me and I am determined to start this new chapter of my life. Good luck to everyone and may this year be prosperous for us all!

